Well we are feeling really spoilt at Ottie and the Bea. In the past two weeks we have had visits from 4 fantastic authors: Ele Fountain, Lisa Thompson, and today Abi Elphinstone and Robin Stevens. Oh my oh my!
When I was a child I don't remember meeting any authors at all, perhaps this was because I was totally absorbed by my cello, but I know I loved books and would've jumped at the chance to meet some of my favourite authors. I think this is why, for me, it is very special that these four wonderful authors (who so many children admire) have found the time to come and visit us at the shop.
The modern author is not only expected to be a brilliant writer but they are expected to be capable of publicising their books in real life through doing book tours and visits while also running social media - seems a lot more demanding than the idyllic view I had of being an author as a child. I feel it is important to give these inspirational individuals the recognition they deserve for encouraging them to immerse themselves in their imaginations.
Thank you to all of the wonderful writers out there who have preserved and through it all and are creating stories that will inspire the next generation of readers; and a huge thank you to all the authors who have taken the time to visit us and be part of the events we run we really appreciate all you do and all your support.
Julia x
p.s. #booksaremybag