Poetry Club at Ottie and the Bea
To kick off 2019 we have a new club to introduce - our 'Poetry Club' will initially be for year 5 and 6. You will be playing with words, working with words, sharing, reading and writing poetry- sonnets, odes, limericks and lyrics- from Donne to Duffy. Sessions will take place after school on Mondays 5.30-6.30pm or on a Sunday morning 10-11am (once a month).
Peter Hamilton Dyer will be taking the sessions- he is a Shakespeare's Globe Higher Education Practitioner, in Text, and Original Performance Practice. And has been working as a professional actor for 30 years, working with the Globe and the RSC and in theatres across the UK and in television and radio.
So, if you are interested give us a ring at the shop (0208 465 5318), or email us at shop@ottieandthebea.com or even better pop in for a chat.