The Crossing by Manjeet Mann
Add this to your YA reading list if you haven’t already come across it. WINNER OF THE COSTA CHILDREN'S BOOK AWARD 2021 - a fantastic novel about two teenagers from opposite worlds- a powerful piece of writing that is constantly shifting with hope, grief & pain. The verse drives the story as the two worlds hurtle forwards at an increasingly frenetic pace - there’s a real sense of inevitability but also moments where time is almost suspended or held as if it daren’t breathe for fear of what is coming…
The passing of phrases or words which moves the scene between the two worlds is fantastically effective.
I’d recommend this to everyone - especially fans of #poetx by Elizabeth Acevedo, or Sarah Crossan’s writing It made me think of #illegal by Eoin Colfer & Andrew Donkin & #boy87 by Ele Fountain and of course Onjali Q Raif’s wonderful books. A book to be read and shared!